5N Plus Canada Headquarters Info
You can find the corporate office address and 5N Plus Canada headquarters in Québec H4R 2B4, Canada. Most of the operations handled from this 5N Plus CA corporate headquarter.
- Address: 5N Plus Canada headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the 5N Plus headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:
4385, Garand Street, Montreal, Québec H4R 2B4, Canada
For any general inquiries, please contact 5N Plus head office number: 514 856-0644.
- Phone Number: Call 514 856-0644 to reach someone at 5N Plus Canada headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday to Friday 8:30 am to 4:30 pm and Saturday-Sunday closed.
- Email: 5N Plus does not provide email address.
- Website: You can use their 5nplus.com and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for 5N Plus headquarters.
5N Plus Headquarters Executive Team
5N Plus headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of 5N Plus corporate office Canada.
- Gervais Jacques: President and Chief Executive Officer
- Richard Perron: Chief Financial Officer
- Paul Tancell: Executive Vice President, Performance Materials
- Roland Dubois: Chief Commercial Officer and Executive Vice President, Specialty Semiconductors
5N Plus Canada corporate office addresses
Corporate addresses | |
5N Plus (Canada) | 4385, Garand Street, Montreal, Québec H4R 2B4, Canada |
5N Plus (USA) | 380-A Horace Street, Bridgeport, Connecticut 6610, United States |
5N Plus (Germany) | Oderlandstrasse 104, 15890 Eisenhüttenstadt Germany |
For more global corporate office contact this page
5N Plus Canada Headquarters Location & Directions
Resource Links
Also Read: Sony Canada Headquarters Info
Q. What is 5N Plus Canada?
A. 5N Plus is a globally leading producer of specialty semiconductors and performance materials.
Q. What is 5N Plus Canada phone number?
A. 5N Plus Canada phone number is 514 856-0644.
Q. Who is the CEO of 5N Plus Canada?
A. Gervais Jacques is the CEO of 5N Plus Canada.
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