Stella Jones Inc. Canada Headquarters Info
You can find the corporate office address and Stella Jones Inc. Canada headquarters in Montreal, Quebec H4R 2J8, Canada. Most of the operations handled from this Stella Jones Inc. CA corporate headquarter.
- Address: Stella Jones Inc. Canada headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Stella Jones Inc. headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:
3100 Boulevard de la Côte-Vertu 300 Montreal, Quebec H4R 2J8, Canada
For any general inquiries, please contact Stella Jones Inc. head office number: (514) 934-8666.
- Phone Number: Call (514) 934-8666 to reach someone at Stella Jones Inc. Canada headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm Saturday-Sunday closed.
- Email: Stella Jones Inc. does not provide email address.
- Website: You can use their and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Stella Jones Inc. headquarters.
Stella Jones Inc. Headquarters Executive Team
Stella Jones Inc. headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of Stella Jones Inc. corporate office Canada.
- Éric Vachon: President and Chief Executive Officer
- Silvana Travaglini: Senior Vice-President and Chief Financial Officer
- Richard Cuddihy: Senior Vice President and Chief People Officer
- Marla Eichenbaum: Vice-President, General Counsel and Secretary
- Marco Albanesi: Vice-President, Corporate Development and Treasury
- Kevin Comerford: Senior Vice-President, Utility Poles and U.S. Residential Lumber
- Marcell Driessen: Vice-President, Human Resources
- Brian Grant: Vice-President, Canada Residential Lumber Sales and Procurement
- James Kenner: Vice-President, Risk Management and General Counsel, U.S. Operations
- Steve Bryant: Vice President, Operations Southern Yellow Pine-West
- Joel Alexander: Vice President, Procurement, Southern Yellow Pine
- Andy Morgan: Vice-President, Utility Pole Operations (Western Species)
Stella Jones Inc. Canada corporate office addresses
Corporate addresses | |
Stella Jones Inc. (Canada) | 3100 Boulevard de la Côte-Vertu 300 Montreal, Quebec H4R 2J8, Canada |
Stella Jones Inc. (US) | 1640 East Marc St. Tacoma, , Washington 98421, US |
Stella Jones Inc. Canada Headquarters Location & Directions
Resource Links
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Q. What is Stella Jones Inc. Canada?
A. Stella-Jones is a leading producer of industrial pressure-treated wood products of North America.
Q. What is Stella Jones Inc. phone number?
A. Stella Jones Inc. phone number is (514) 934-8666.
Q. Who is the CEO of Stella Jones Inc. Canada?
A. Éric Vachon is the CEO of Stella Jones Inc. Canada.
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