Celestica Canada

Corporate Office Headquarters

Head Office Address : 1900-5140 Yonge Street PO Box 42 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L7 Canada

Phone Number : +14164485800

Email : contactus@celestica.com

Web : https://www.celestica.com

Twitter ID : @@Celestica_Inc

Celestica corporate office headquarters
Celestica, Canada
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Celestica Canada Headquarters Info

You can find the corporate office address and Celestica Inc. Canada Canada headquarters in Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L7 Canada. Most of the operations handled from this Celestica Inc. Canada CA corporate headquarter.

  • Address: Celestica Inc. Canada headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Celestica Inc. Canada headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:

1900-5140 Yonge Street PO Box 42 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L7 Canada

For any general inquiries, please contact Celestica Canada head office number: +1 (416) 448-5800.

  • Phone Number: Call +1 (416) 448-5800 to reach someone at Celestica Inc. Canada Canada headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday to Friday 9:00 am to 5:00 pm and Saturday-Sunday closed.
  • Email: As an alternative, you can email Celestica Inc. at contactus@celestica.com that may help spread the word about your problem. You can also contact someone close to the corporate office by emailing the Customer Support Help department.
  • Website: You can use their celestica.com and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Celestica Inc. Canada headquarters.

Celestica Canada Headquarters Executive Team

Celestica Canada headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of Celestica Inc. Canada corporate office Canada.

  • Rob Mionis: President and Chief Executive Officer
  • Mandeep Chawla: Chief Financial Officer
  • Yann Etienvre: Chief Operations Officer
  • Todd Cooper: President, Advanced Technology Solutions
  • Jason Phillips: President, Connectivity and Cloud Solutions
  • Leila Wong: Chief Human Resources Officer

Celestica Canada corporate office addresses

Corporate addresses
Celestica (Canada)  1900-5140 Yonge Street PO Box 42 Toronto, Ontario M2N 6L7 Canada
Celestica (USA)  8620 Congdon Hill Drive Alburtis, Pennsylvania 18011 USA
Celestica  (Mexico)  Celestica Circuito Internacional Norte # 14-S, Parque Industrial Nelson
C. P 21395
Celestica (Ireland)  Celestica Parkmore Business Park Ballybrit Galway, Ireland
Celestica (Spain)  Celestica Carretera Valencia-Ademuz km 17,6 46185 La Pobla de Vallbona Valencia, Spain

Celestica Canada Headquarters Location & Directions

Celestica Canada Head Office Canada Photos

Celestica Canada Resource Links

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Also Read: Northern Dynasty Minerals Ltd. Canada Headquarters Info


Q. What is Celestica Canada?
A. Celestica is a leader in design, manufacturing, hardware platform.

Q. How to contact Celestica Canada?
A. You can connect to Celestica Inc. Canada using this number +1 (416) 448-5800.

Q. Who is the CEO of Celestica Canada?
A. Rob Mionis is the CEO of Celestica Inc. Canada.

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Celestica, Canada
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