Brookfield office Properties Canada Headquarters Info
You can find the corporate office address and Brookfield office Properties Canada headquarters in Toronto, ON M5J 2T3 Canada. Most of the operations handled from this Brookfield office Properties CA corporate headquarter.
- Address: Brookfield office Properties Canada headquarters is completely transparent when it comes to contact information and location of the Brookfield office Properties headquarters. You can address any letters to this corporate headquarters office to:
Brookfield Place 181 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2T3
For any general inquiries, please contact Brookfield office Properties head office number: 416 369 2300.
- Phone Number: Call 416 369 2300 to reach someone at Brookfield office Properties Canada headquarters. As soon as you speak with a representative, you should have a fair solution to your problem that is relatively fast, You can contact during Monday – Friday 7:30 am to 5:45 pm and Saturday-Sunday Closed.
- Email: Brookfield office Properties Canada does not provide email address.
- Website: You can use their website and contact any department for general help. there is no dedicated website for Brookfield office Properties headquarters.
Brookfield office Properties Headquarters Executive Team
Brookfield office Properties headquarters is run by an executive team. Below are some executive team members name of Brookfield office Properties corporate office Canada.
- Troy Benson: Chief Revenue Officer
- Tom Cochrane: Senior Vice President, Asset Management
- Alireza (Ali) Esmaeilzadeh: Executive Vice President and Head, Asset Management
- Mark Kostic: Senior Vice President, Asset Management
- Jonathan Kramer: Head of Strategic Initiatives and General Counsel
- Kirsten Lee: Executive Vice President, Leasing
Brookfield office Properties Canada corporate office addresses
Corporate addresses | |
Brookfield office Properties (Canada) | Brookfield Place, Suite 100 181 Bay Street, Toronto, ON M5J 2T3, Canada. |
Brookfield office Properties (Australia) | Brookfield Place Level 19 10 Carrington Street Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia |
Brookfield office Properties (US) | Brookfield Place New York 250 Vesey Street, 15th Floor New York, NY 10281 US |
Brookfield office Properties (United Kingdom) | One Canada Square Level 26 Canary Wharf London E14 5AB United Kingdom |
Brookfield office Properties Canada (Germany) | Linkstraβe 2 Potsdamer Platz 10785 Berlin Germany |
Brookfield office Properties Canada (China) | 11F, Tower B, One East 736 South 1st Zhongshan Road Huangpu District 200023 Shanghai China |
Brookfield office Properties Canada Headquarters Location & Directions
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Also Read: Telus Canada Headquarters Info
Q. What is Brookfield office Properties Canada?
A. Brookfield Office Properties is a global office property company. It owns, manages, and develops premier assets in world’s dynamic and resilient markets.
Q. Where is Brookfield office Properties Canada Headquarters?
A. Brookfield office Properties Canada headquarters is located at Brookfield Place 181 Bay Street Toronto, ON M5J 2T3.
Q. What is Brookfield office Properties Canada phone number?
A. Brookfield office Properties Canada phone number is 416 369 2300.
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